Epidemiological Modeling and Model Calibration Webinar

  • Virtual
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This webinar will cover an introduction to mathematical models and model calibration with a practical use case on jupyter notebook. Participants will learn:

  • What mathematical models are
  • Interpretation of results from mathematical models
  • What calibration is
  • Why and when to use calibration
  • The calibration process and types
  • Calibration in machine learning

Veuillez vous inscrire pour rejoindre la session en français, qui aura lieu le 3 novembre à partir de 18h00 (GMT+3) / 15h00 (GMT) ici.


  • Please register for the English session to be hosted 2:00pm (GMT+3) / 11:00am (GMT) here: https://bit.ly/3U4Lp5Z

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