IBM ICACON Undergraduate Student Paper Competition 2018

Sponsored by: IBM ICACON

The 2018 IBM ICACON Student Paper Competition sponsored by IBM will recognize outstanding papers in the field of Cloud Computing in Education written by student(s). Selected papers will be considered for the competition and must be presented at the 2018 IBM ICACON Conference at The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan. The paper will be judged based on the technical content and presentation on the conference dates. Winners will receive award certificates. The winning awards will be given at the 2018 IBM ICACON conference awards event on conference dates, May 24-26, 2018.

Eligibility Criteria

Topics of Interest

A range of topics relevant to cloud computing in education, government and research are of interest, including (but not limited to) the ones below:

Important Dates and Guidelines

April 15th, 2018
Submission Deadline

April 20, 2018
Notification of Paper consideration

April 30, 2018
Camera Ready Paper Submission and Authors Registration Deadline

May 24-26, 2018
Conference Dates

Authors are expected to submit a well-formatted draft following a flagship template like IEEE.


Each paper must be submitted online via EasyChair
Note: Please indicate in the header of your paper the following:
"IBM ICACON 2018 Student Paper"


A group of academics / professionals will serve as judge. Scoring points will be used to evaluate the merit, presentation skill, and technicality of the work.


1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive award certificates.

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1st International IBM Cloud Academy Conference

2nd International IBM Cloud Academy Conference

3rd International IBM Cloud Academy Conference

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Brochures/White papers

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