A Collaborative Community of Leaders: Cloud Computing in Education
ICA CON 2014
ICA CON 2014, the 2nd International IBM Cloud Academy Conference, will provide an exciting opportunity for educators and researchers to share ideas and experiences in cloud computing. The conference is open to both K-12 and higher education institutions already implementing cloud technologies and services, or considering doing so.
The program will be derived from the refereed review of proposals, presently envisioned to include invited keynotes, technical papers, position papers, workshops and a technology showcase. The technical papers portion of the conference program will feature experience reports and original research papers. The technology showcase will feature poster presentations and demonstrations on cloud computing research or implementations in progress. Selected papers from conference proceedings will be published as a special edition of the International Journal of Cloud Computing IJCC
Georgia State University in Atlanta
Host site for ICA CON 2014 will be one of the founding and charter members of the IBM Cloud Academy, Georgia State University / GSU

The same qualities that make Atlanta such an attractive and dynamic city for private sector professionals help Georgia State University attract quality faculty, staff, and students from around the world:
- More than 4,700 faculty and staff
- 32,000 students from every county in Georgia, every state in the U.S. and more than 150 countries
- More than 1,600 international students
- One of the 15 most diverse universities in the U.S., with 75% undergraduate students and 25% graduate students
- Student/faculty ratio: 20/1
We are excited that GSU, as a charter member of the IBM Cloud Academy, will be hosting this 2nd International IBM Cloud Academy Conference in 2014. ICA CON 2014 will be an excellent venue presenting original work, exchanging new ideas, embracing cloud technologies, for sharing results and experiences, and networking with other leading institutions globally who are also already implementing cloud solutions.
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1st International IBM Cloud Academy Conference
Brochures/White papers
The transformation of education through state education clouds (917KB)
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