IBM Faculty Awards

Supporting research and innovation

IBM Faculty Awards Recipients

For decades, the IBM Shared University Research Awards and the IBM Faculty Awards have been a world-wide monetary, hardware, software, and services program that promoted research and innovation in areas of strategic, mutual interest between IBM and universities.

The IBM Faculty Award and the IBM Shared University Research Award were blended into a single focus. The refreshed IBM Global University Program Academic Award propels IBM nominators, faculty, and universities to collaboratively develop responsive and concise Award applications for the emerging technologies of today. IBM Global University Programs Awards will continue to promote collaborative research projects that advance science and share the outcomes of those projects with the technology community and the world.

Our thanks for participating in this program goes out to the IBM Faculty and IBM Shared University Award recipients. And to the IBM Faculty Awards recipients, IBM Global University Programs offers its congratulations. And to the IBM Global University Program Academic Award recipients in-the-making, IBM looks forward to your collaboration and engagement.

To view the current and previous recipients, select and click the appropriate program and year, below.