Lightweight authentication of freshness in outsourced key-value storesYuzhe TangTing Wanget al.2014ACSAC 2014
Asset risk scoring in enterprise network with mutually reinforced reputation propagationXin HuTing Wanget al.2014S&P 2014
EdgeTorrent: Real-time Temporal Graph Representations for Intrusion DetectionIsaiah J. KingXiaokui Shuet al.2023RAID 2023
Software deception steering through version emulationFrederico AraujoSailik Senguptaet al.2021HICSS 2021
Scarecrow: Deactivating Evasive Malware via Its Own Evasive LogicJialong ZhangZhongshu Guet al.2020DSN 2020
Protecting intellectual property of deep neural networks with watermarkingJialong ZhangZhongshu Guet al.2018ASIACCS 2018
BAYWATCH: Robust beaconing detection to identify infected hosts in large-scale enterprise networksXin HuJiyong Janget al.2016DSN 2016
Detecting malicious exploit kits using tree-based similarity searchesTeryl TaylorXin Huet al.2016CODASPY 2016