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5 results for
Jaganathan Narasimhan- Renato F. Hentschke
- Jaganathan Narasimham
- et al.
- 2007
- ISPD 2007
- Renato F. Hentschke
- Jagannathan Narasimhan
- et al.
- 2005
- SBCCI 2005
- Renato Hentschke
- Jaganathan Narasimhan
- et al.
- 2009
- IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems
- Jagannathan Narasimhan
- Kazuo Nakajima
- et al.
- 1999
- Discrete Applied Mathematics
- J. Narasimhan
- K. Nakajima
- et al.
- 1994
- IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems