EMC 2007
Conference paper

Waveform relaxation for the parallel solution of large PEEC model problems

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The solution of large 3D electromagnetic models is important for the modeling of a multitude of EMC, PI and SI problems, In this paper, we explore new algorithms for the parallel solution of large time domain 3D electromagnetic problems. Our approach is to use a volume Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (PEEC) electromagnetic formulation in combination with a Waveform Relaxation (WR) algorithm. In WR, we split the system into smaller subsystems and we break weak couplings so that the problem can be solved iteratively. WR has been used to solve a multitude of different problems. It is especially suited for parallel processing due to its favorable compute time to communication ratio. We consider a specific example for the application of WR to PEEC models. © 2007 IEEE.



EMC 2007


