BPM 2012
Conference paper

The shared process model


Abstract. Maintaining different but consistent views on the same process is often necessary in BPM projects. For example, a business analyst typically works on a business process model at a different level of abstraction than an IT architect. These views evolve independently and synchronizing them is not trivial. In this demonstration, we showcase our Shared Process Model prototype that allows different stakeholders to work on different views of a business process model while keeping these views synchronized. In particular, we will look at scenarios where a business view and an IT view are modified and a subset of the modifications need to be propagated from one view to the other. This demonstration targets the general BPM audience interested in ensuring consistency between various level of realisation of a business process model and solving the related round tripping problems. This demonstration will also appeal to people interested in process comparison and process merging - The two core techniques used by our prototype to propagate changes from one view to the other.



BPM 2012


