Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry

The influence of polymer morphology on polymer film electrochemistry

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The electrochemical behavior of functionalized polystyrene-coated electrodes shows a marked dependence on the nature of the electrolyte ions. Scanning electron microscope and surface profile measurements are presented which show that changes in polymer film volume and morphology accompany electrochemical oxidation. Changing polymer morphology by doping the films with soluble monomers during preparation is shown to produce large changes in electrochemical response. Diffusion coefficients were determined for a neutral organic dye dopant in each of the polymer films investigated, and these correlate very well with the oxidation overpotentials observed electrochemically. The nature of polymer film/solvent interactions and the mechanism by which counter ions penetrate the polymer phase is discussed and is related to other physical properties of amorphous polymers in terms of free volume concepts. © 1980 Elsevier Sequoia S.A.



Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry

