FAST 2002
Conference paper

Strong security for network-attached storage


We have developed a scheme to secure network-attached storage systems against many types of attacks. Our system uses strong cryptography to hide data from unauthorized users; someone gaining complete access to a disk cannot obtain any useful data from the system, and backups can be done without allowing the super-user access to cleartext. While insider denial-of-service attacks cannot be prevented (an insider can physically destroy the storage devices), our system detects attempts to forge data. The system was developed using a raw disk, and can be integrated into common file systems. All of this security can be achieved with little penalty to performance. Our experiments show that, using a relatively inexpensive commodity CPU attached to a disk, our system can store and retrieve data with virtually no penalty for random disk requests and only a 15–20% performance loss over raw transfer rates for sequential disk requests. With such a minor performance penalty, there is no longer any reason not to include strong encryption and authentication in network file systems.



FAST 2002

