
Stochastic convergence of random search methods to fixed size Pareto front approximations

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In this paper we investigate to what extent random search methods, equipped with an archive of bounded size to store a limited amount of solutions and other data, are able to obtain good Pareto front approximations. We propose and analyze two archiving schemes that allow for maintaining a sequence of solution sets of given cardinality that converge with probability one to an -Pareto set of a certain quality, under very mild assumptions on the process used to sample new solutions. The first algorithm uses a hierarchical grid to define a family of approximate dominance relations to compare solutions and solution sets. Acceptance of a new solution is based on a potential function that counts the number of occupied boxes (on various levels) and thus maintains a strictly monotonous progress to a limit set that covers the Pareto front with non-overlapping boxes at finest resolution possible. The second algorithm uses an adaptation scheme to modify the current value of based on the information gathered during the run. This way it will be possible to achieve convergence to the best (smallest) value, and to a corresponding solution set of k solutions that -dominate all other solutions, which is probably the best possible result regarding the limit behavior of random search methods or metaheuristics for obtaining Pareto front approximations. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.





