
Stochastic behavior in quantum scattering


A 2-dimensional smooth orientable, but not compact space of constant negative curvature with the topology of a torus is investigated. It contains an open end, i.e. an exceptional point at infinite distance, through which a particle or a wave can enter or leave, as in the exponential horn of certain antennas or loud-speakers. In the Poincaré model of hyperbolic geometry, the solutions of Schrödinger's equation for the reflection of a particle which enters through the horn are easily constructed. The scattering phase shift as a function of the momentum is essentially given by the phase angle of Riemann's zeta function on the imaginary axis, at a distance of 1 2 from the famous critical line. This phase shift shows all the features of chaos, namely the ability to mimick any given smooth function, and great difficulty in its effective numerical computation. A plot shows the close connection with the zeros of Riemann's zeta function for low values of the momentum (quantum regime) which gets lost only at exceedingly large momenta (classical regime?) Some generalizations of this approach to chaos are mentioned. © 1983.
