Parallel Processing Letters

Static analysis to reduce synchronization costs data-parallel programs with remote memory copy

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For a program with sufficient parallelism, reducing synchronization costs is an important objective for achieving efficient execution. This paper presents a novel methodology for reducing synchronization costs of programs compiled for SPMD execution. This methodology combines data flow analysis with communication analysis to determine the ordering between production and consumption of data on different processors, which helps in identifying redundant synchronization. The resulting framework is more powerful than any that have been previously presented, as it provides the first algorithm that can eliminate synchronization messages even from computations that need communication. We show that several commonly occurring computation patterns such as reductions and stencil computations with reciprocal producer-consumer relationship between processors lend themselves well to this optimization, an observation that is confirmed by an examination of some HPF benchmark programs. Our framework also recognizes situations where the synchronization needs for multiple data transfers can be satisfied by a single synchronization message. This analysis, while applicable to all shared memory machines as well, is especially useful for those with a flexible cache-coherence protocol, as it identifies efficient ways of moving data directly from producers to consumers, often without any extra synchronization. Keywords: synchronization, data-parallel, remote memory copy, communication analysis, compiler optimizations © World Scientific Publishing Company.



Parallel Processing Letters

