Conference paper

Software design with invocation diagrami


This paper describes a medium being developed for abstraction and expression of program structure. The medium is to be used to represent programs during the design process; it forms the basis for their implementation. The following point of view is adopted. Program design is an iterative, trial-and-error process, in which a basic solution to part of the problem, i s refined, added to, and modified into a complete solution. The final result should be wel1-structured in the sense described by Dijkstra (1) in order for the designer to understand the program sufficiently to be confident in its correctness. We consider that during the design process, only the logic of the design-how it works-is crucial. Some other considerations, for example, whether a particular subroutine should be open or closed, or which subroutines should be grouped into blocks to be compiled together, are not crucial in this design phase and may be applied once the design logic is determined.
