New Generation Computing

Proving termination of GHC programs

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A transformational approach for proving termination of parallel logic programs such as GHC programs is proposed. A transformation from GHC programs to term rewriting systems is developed; it exploits the fact that unifications in GHC-resolution correspond to matchings. The termination of a GHC program for a class of queries is implied by the termination of the resulting rewrite system. This approach facilitates the applicability of a wide range of termination techniques developed for rewrite systems in proving termination of GHC programs. The method consists of three steps: (a) deriving moding information from a given GHC program, (b) transforming the GHC program into a term rewriting system using the moding information, and finally (c) proving termination of the resulting rewrite system. Using this method, the termination of many benchmark GHC programs such as quick-sort, merge-sort, merge, split, fair-split and append, etc., can be proved.



New Generation Computing

