Conference paper

On the theory of general ON-OFF sources with applications in high-speed networks


In this paper, we first provide a general theory of ON-OFF sources. Our basic source model is characterized by alternating independent ON (burst) and OFF (silence) periods, where this periods may have general distributions. Other more complex sources are constructed and their basic behavior is characterized in terms of the basic source model. Heterogeneous and homogeneous statistical multiplexers fed by such sources are considered. In the heterogeneous environment, a simple result on the tail behavior of the multiplexer queue length distribution in the heavy traffic is provided which is a simple function of the individual source peak rates, and the first two moments of their ON and OFF periods. In the homogeneous environment, asymptotic results on the tail behavior of the queue length distribution is provided for all level of utilizations. In this case the behavior strongly dependents on the complete distribution of the ON and OFF periods of the traffic source. The simple results in the heterogeneous environment, suggests a new call admission control policy for general ON-OFF sources in high-speed networks. This policy which can be easily implemented in real time, depends only on the first two moments of the ON and OFF periods of individual sources and their respective peak rates.
