Conference paper

On the performance of bursty and correlated sources subject to leaky bucket rate-based access control schemes


The analysis of a rate-based access control scheme in high speed environments that is based on a buffered leaky bucket algorithm is presented. The analysis is carried out in discrete time, which is representative of asynchronous transfer mode environments. For the cell arrivals to the leaky bucket, a general discrete Markovian arrival process is considered which models bursty and correlated sources. The introduction of the deficit function allows the reduction of the original problem to a more standard discrete time queuing system with the same arrival process. As an important special case, the detailed analysis of the binary Markov source throttled by such rate-based access control schemes is presented. Along with explicit recursions for computation of state probabilities and simple characterization of the asymptotic behavior of the queue buildup, some guidelines for the parameter selection of these schemes is provided. For sources with relatively large active periods, for an acceptable grade-of-service, the token generation rate should be close or equal to the peak rate of the source.
