FOCS 1994
Conference paper

On monotone formula closure of SZK

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We investigate structural properties of statistical zero knowledge (SZK) both in the interactive and in the non-interactive model. Specifically, we look into the closure properties of SZK languages under monotone logical formula composition. This gives rise to new protocol techniques. We show that interactive SZK for random self reducible languages (RSR) (and for co-RSR) is closed under monotone boolean operations. Namely, we give SZK proofs for monotone boolean formulae whose atoms are statements about an SZK language which is RSR (or a complement of RSR). All previously known languages in SZK are in these classes. We then show that if a language L has a non-interactive SZK proof system then honest-verifier interactive SZK proof systems exist for all monotone boolean formulae whose atoms are statements about the complement of L. We also discuss extensions and generalizations.



FOCS 1994
