Near-zero magnetostriction nife films deposited by ion beam sputtering
Near-zero magnetostriction permalloy films, 3000Å thick, were made by ion beam sputtering with a Ni80Fe20 target. The placing of a Ni strip onto the target and N2 addition were used to independently adjust the film composition and crystalline texture respectively. Film composition and crystalline texture were investigated using X-ray fluorescence and diffraction. A change of the magnetostriction constant. λ expressed in terms of ΔHk, obtained by straining the film, was also observed after a 250°C easy axis annealing in a vacuum oven. We suggest that this change may be related to an observed change in microstructure of the NiFe for low and a reduction of the I200/I111 X-ray peak intensity ratio for high N2 partial pressures. © 1987 IEEE