Conference paper

Multilingual aliasing for auto-generating proposition banks


Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) is the task of identifying the predicate-argument structure in sentences with semantic frame and role labels. For the English language, the Proposition Bank provides both a lexicon of all possible semantic frames and large amounts of labeled training data. In order to expand SRL beyond English, previous work investigated automatic approaches based on parallel corpora to automatically generate Proposition Banks for new target languages (TLs). However, this approach heuristically produces the frame lexicon from word alignments, leading to a range of lexicon-level errors and inconsistencies. To address these issues, we propose to manually alias TL verbs to existing English frames. For instance, the German verb drehen may evoke several meanings, including "turn something" and "film something". Accordingly, we alias the former to the frame TURN.01 and the latter to a group of frames that includes FILM.01 and SHOOT.03. We execute a large-scale manual aliasing effort for three target languages and apply the new lexicons to automatically generate large Proposition Banks for Chinese, French and German with manually curated frames. We present a detailed evaluation in which we find that our proposed approach significantly increases the quality and consistency of the generated Proposition Banks. We release these resources to the research community.




