
Luminescence of germanate garnets with terbium on dodecahedral and octahedral lattice sites


{Ca(Tb)}3Ga2Ge3O12 and Sr3[Y(Tb)]2Ge3O12 garnets provide a cubic lattice with trivalent terbium, a luminescent rare earth, in dodecahedral (8 oxygen neighbors) and in octahedral (6 oxygen neighbors) sites, respectively. In the materials examined, Tb3+ in octahedral sites has a narrower fluorescence emission spectrum, higher luminescence efficiency and a longer lifetime than in dodecahedral sites. The luminescence properties and the unit cell size of the Ca3Y2Ge3O12 garnet, where Tb3+ is expected to be located on octahedral sites, are between those of the CaGa and SrY garnets. All these garnets are phosphorescent. On the basis of the variation with temperature of the phosphorescence decay law, it is proposed that the radiative electron-hole recombination process proceeds via a tunneling mechanism at temperatures below the thermal glow peaks, and via a free carrier diffusion mechanism at temperatures above the thermal glow peaks. All three Tb3+-doped germanate garnets have sufficiently high efficiency and persistence under electron beam excitation to be suitable for practical phosphor applications. The strontium yttrium germanate-Tb material has a cathodoluminescence decay time nearly three times that of the commercial P53 garnet phosphor. © 1982.
