Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B

Low energy ionization effect of He atoms at surfaces

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The low energy ionization effect, which seems so surprising on the basis of the Massey criterion, has been explained by a dynamical calculation working with a diabatic 1s level of He whose behaviour is determined from the projectile-target correlation diagram. Quasi-realistic hopping matrix elements and the He trajectory based on a Molière potential are employed. Using a spinless time dependent Newns-Anderson Hamiltonian, the ionization probability Pion has been calculated exactly within the present model by the method of Muda and Hanawa. It is found that Pion amounts to a significant value even at low incident energies (E0) below 1 keV in He → Si collision, where the Si substrate is represented by a linear chain (LC) of 30 Si 3s orbitals. In He → Cu collision, where the Cu substrate is approximated by a LC of 30 Cu 4s orbitals, Pion is very small for E0 below 1 keV, but it is appreciable above 1 keV. The ratio of Pion(Cu)/Pion(Si) in the region 1 ≦ E0 ≦ 2 keV is in good agreement with that derived from a recent experiment. © 1988.



Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B

