Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation

Formalization and analysis of class loading in Java

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Since Java security relies on the type-safety of the JVM, many formal approaches have been taken in order to prove the soundness of the JVM. This paper presents a new formalization of the JVM and proves its soundness. It is the first model to employ dynamic linking and bytecode verification to analyze the loading constraint scheme of Java2. The key concept required for proving the soundness of the new model is augmented value typing, which is defined from ordinary value typing combined with the loading constraint scheme. In proving the soundness of the model, it is shown that there are some problems inside the current reference implementation of the JVM with respect to our model. We also analyze the findClass scheme, newly introduced in Java2. The same analysis also shows why applets cannot exploit the type-spoofing vulnerability reported by Saraswat, which led to the introduction of the loading constraint scheme.



Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation


