UIST 2007
Conference paper

Enabling efficient orienteering behavior in webmail clients

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Webmail clients provide millions of end users with convenient and ubiquitous access to electronic mail - the most successful collaboration tool ever. Web email clients are also the platform of choice for recent innovations on electronic mail and for integration of related information services into email. In the enterprise, however, webmail applications have been relegated to being a supplemental tool for mail access from home or while on the road. In this paper, we draw on recent research in the area of electronic mail to understand usage models and performance requirements for enterprise email applications. We then present an innovative architecture for a webmail client. By leveraging recent advances in web browser technology, we show that webmail clients can offer performance and responsiveness that rivals a desktop application while still retaining all the advantages of a browser based client. Copyright © 2007 ACM.



UIST 2007