
Electron scattering from oriented holmium


Discrepancies among experiments and theory on electron scattering from oriented holmium are partially resolved. An estimate is presented which suggests that the distorted-wave Born-approximation orientation effect calculated by Wright is too large by about a factor of 2. Distorted-wave Born-approximation calculations (made with a coupled-channel program) are presented which confirm this suggestion. They agree well with the Stanford data for orientation perpendicular to the scattering plane. The previous discrepancy for orientation along the recoil-momentum direction is reduced, but is not removed. The sensitivity of these results to the charge shape is examined although a fit to the data is not made. Results are given of a complete coupled-channel calculation for the first three nuclear states. Suggestions are made for future work, and cross sections and orientation effects for energyresolved scattering from holmium at 200 MeV are given. NUCLEAR REACTIONS Ho67165(e,e′) oriented deformed nuclei, calculations; estimate for energy-unresolved scattering, based on elastic scattering alone; DWBA results; coupled-channel corrections; results for energy-resolved scattering, and for other orientations. © 1976 The American Physical Society.
