Conference paper

Efficient solution design mapping in service delivery


In service delivery business, the service practitionerscreate solutions for the customer requests by integratingproper service components available from the serviceprovider company. This process is called solution design.The solution design process requires the translation of theservice requests from the customers, which come invarious forms, into the terminology that is internally usedby the service provider company. This is a crucial task asall of the internal processes of the service provider, suchas financial processes, service delivery etc., need to be incoordination with the solution design process. In today'sbusiness environment, performing this translation in avery efficient way is critical. In this paper, we present thebusiness process and the problem with regards to solutiondesign process. Subsequently, we formalize the businessproblem as an optimization problem and present a formalalgorithm to solve the optimization problem. © 2008 IEEE.
