
Determination of exchange constants from relaxation specific heat measurements on GdCl3


Measurements of the magnetic contribution to the specific heat have been made on polycrystalline samples of GdCl3 at temperatures between 20° and 77°K, using a relaxation method with frequencies up to 40 Mc/sec. The results, when combined with the Weiss constant determined by Marquard and Wyatt, give two sets of values for the nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor exchange interaction between Gd3+ ions. The first set gives ferromagnetic values for both Jnn(+0.071±0. 005°K) and Jnnn(+0.011±0.005°K), while the other gives a small antiferromagnetic Jnn(-0.020±0.011°K) and a larger ferromagnetic Jnnn(+0.041±0.002°K). These results are discussed in terms of other experimental data. © 1965 The American Institute of Physics.
