IEEE Transactions on Magnetics

Cyclic Equalization and Channel Identification for Magnetic Tape Recording Systems using the Data Set Separator

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This paper addresses the problems of equalizer design and channel identification for read channels implemented in linear tape open (LTO) tape-drive systems. The techniques presented use the readback waveform of the data set separator (DSS), a special pattern that is recorded at specific locations on tape as part of the LTO format. The concept of cyclic equalization is employed for a DSS-based equalizer design. The approach is extended to channel identification for extracting the dibit response of the magnetic recording channel from the DSS readback waveform. Both techniques are implemented with low complexity, making them attractive for practical realizations. Actual readback signals captured on commercial LTO tape-drive systems are used to demonstrate the efficiency of the described techniques. © 2006, IEEE. All rights reserved.



IEEE Transactions on Magnetics

