
Computer Augmented Oscilloscope System


The Computer Augmented Oscilloscope System (CAOS) is a laboratory-computer terminal intended for experiments involving waveforms and their interpretation. The terminal is portable and can be used wherever telephone access to a suitably programmed computer is available. The CAOS laboratory equipment includes a sampling oscilloscope with a storage CRT, the terminal proper, and a telephone line connection. The terminal includes alphameric and function key-boards, A/D and D/A converters, a read-only store character generator, sequencing and control logic, and circuits for interfacing to the oscilloscope and the telephone line. CAOS is an interface between the experimenter, the experiment, and the computer. It provides digital acquisition of waveform data, system calibration, data analysis, experiment control, and graphic and alphameric display. CAOS can emulate a number of laboratory instruments and can operate additional X-Y storage oscilloscopes. Copyright © 1969 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
