SIGIR 2011
Conference paper

Composite hashing with multiple information sources

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Similarity search applications with a large amount of text and image data demands an efficient and effective solution. One useful strategy is to represent the examples in databases as compact binary codes through semantic hashing, which has attracted much attention due to its fast query/search speed and drastically reduced storage requirement. All of the current semantic hashing methods only deal with the case when each example is represented by one type of features. However, examples are often described from several different information sources in many real world applications. For example, the characteristics of a webpage can be derived from both its content part and its associated links. To address the problem of learning good hashing codes in this scenario, we propose a novel research problem - Composite Hashing with Multiple Information Sources (CHMIS). The focus of the new research problem is to design an algorithm for incorporating the features from different information sources into the binary hashing codes efficiently and effectively. In particular, we propose an algorithm CHMIS-AW (CHMIS with Adjusted Weights) for learning the codes. The proposed algorithm integrates information from several different sources into the binary hashing codes by adjusting the weights on each individual source for maximizing the coding performance, and enables fast conversion from query examples to their binary hashing codes. Experimental results on five different datasets demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method against several other state-of-the-art semantic hashing techniques.



SIGIR 2011

