Chemical Physics Letters

Charge-transfer exciton transitions in anthracene-PMDA crystal

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The reflection spectrum of the first singlet charge transfer transition of anthracene-PMDA (pyromellitic dianhydride) crystal has been obtained at temperatures close to 2 K. The spectrum is polarized along the stack axis and consists of a series of vibronic bands, approximately 500 cm-1 wide, with impressed fine structure arising from intermolecular phonon modes. This fine structure is particularly prominent for the 00 band which starts with a zero-phonon line which is the most dominant feature of the entire spectrum. The zero-phonon line has a reflectivity of approximately 0.37 and a line width less than 5 cm-1. This is the first time that an absolute reflection spectrum of a charge transfer transition with such vibronic details has been obtained. A preliminary discussion of the nature of the transition is presented. © 1978.



Chemical Physics Letters

