
Analysis of Gaussian light by clipped photocount autocorrelation: The effect of finite sampling times and incomplete spatial coherence


The theoretical treatment of clipped photocount autocorrelation of Gaussian light, introduced by Jakeman and Pike, has been extended to include the effects of finite-duration sampling intervals and incomplete spatial coherence. A system of "interval partitioning" is used to derive theoretical expressions for 〈Nq(0)N(τ)〉 and 〈N0(0) N0(τ)〉, the single- and double-clipped photocount autocorrelation functions. Here N(t) is the number of photons detected in a sampling interval centered at t and Nq(t) is the clipped count at level q. Each original interval is systematically partitioned in space and time. Multidimensional generating functions are applied to the sets of subintervals with the object of expressing g(1) (t), the first-order field correlation function, in terms of measurable quantities. It is shown that under certain well-defined conditions, 〈Nq(0) N(τ)〉- 〈Nq〉〈N〉=γq|g (1)(τ)|2 and 〈1-N0〉-2- [1-2〈N0〉+〈N0(0)N0(τ)〉] -1=φ|g(1)(τ)|2, where, for a given set of experimental parameters, γq and φ can be taken as simple multiplicative factors independent of the delay time τ. For comparative purposes, a similar analysis is performed for the unclipped correlation function 〈N(0)N(τ)〉. Finally, computer calculated values of various quantities of interest are presented for several representative cases. © 1971 The American Institute of Physics.
