IGCC 2014
Conference paper

An advanced heterogeneity-aware centralized energy efficient clustering routing protocol for wireless sensor networks

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Designing a power-aware, well-organized path planning algorithm is one of the most challenging research issue in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). During investigation and tackling of these challenges, multi-type energy efficient path planning algorithms have been proposed. In this regards, cluster-based path planning algorithms have shown significant improvement in battery lifespan of WSNs as compared to the flat and geographical-based path planning protocols. Still cluster-based path planning algorithms face multiple design and performance challenges. Existing cluster-based algorithms that utilize distributed cluster formation cannot provide guaranteed selection of the optimal number of cluster-heads for all iterations of the network. In this paper, we propose two algorithms, namely Centralized Energy Efficient Clustering (CEEC) and Advanced heterogeneity-aware CEEC (ACEEC) path planning protocol, for three levels heterogeneous WSNs. The proposed protocols can also be used in multi-level heterogeneous wireless networks. These central control algorithms are executed simultaneously at the Base Station (BS) for cluster formation. Extensive simulation results show that CEEC and ACEEC acquire better performance in battery life extension as compared to the conventional path planning algorithms. Extensive simulation results show that CEEC acquires 130% better performance in extension of network stability period as compared to the conventional path planning algorithm, such as DEEC. ACEEC outperforms the CEEC and provides 5% more network stability period. Moreover, the proposed algorithms are intelligent enough to distribute energy resources evenly across the sensor network.



IGCC 2014

