ICGSE 2007
Conference paper

An adaptive tool integration framework to enable coordination in distributed software development

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In this position paper we argue that to effectively address coordination challenges in distributed software development, we need to go beyond making individual development tools more collaborative and design a framework that enables common understanding of the information from different tools and supports loose coupling between them. Stakeholders can go about doing their work in their choice of tools, and as long as these tools adhere to certain interface requirements imposed by the framework, information may be shared across tools in a seamless fashion. The framework should also be able to pick up on cues within the project execution environment, analyze them, and provide useful information as alerts and advisories to stakeholders. Finally, the framework should be adaptive to new tools introduced in the development process as well as to changing project governance needs. We present a preliminary architecture of the framework and discuss candidate technologies to realize it. © 2007 IEEE.



ICGSE 2007


