WI-IAT 2006
Conference paper

Adding user-level SPACe: Security, privacy, and context to intelligent multimedia information architectures

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We provide a unified architecture, called SPACe, for Secure, Privacy-Aware, and Contextual multimedia systems in organizations. Many key and important architectural components already exist which contribute to a unified platform, including the classic data mining, security, and privacy-preserving components in conventional intelligent systems. After presenting an overview of our unified architecture, we focus on the state-of-the-art architectural components for user interaction in future systems - particularly multimedia voice interaction with intelligent systems. This paper shows how user-level conversational data mining (CDM) methods, coupled with biometric security, and enhanced with privacy-awareness, may be used with any Web information system architecture. Finally, we provide an example of our unified architecture through integrating a knowledge architecture for an e-finance application in the financial services domain. The resulting architectures benefit from added security, privacy-awareness, and contextual filtering at the user-level. © 2006 IEEE.



WI-IAT 2006

