
A queueing network with a single cyclically roving server


A queueing network that is served by a single server in a cyclic order is analyzed in this paper. Customers arrive at the queues from outside the network according to independent Poisson processes. Upon completion of his service, a customer may leave the network, be routed to another queue in the network or rejoin the same queue for another portion of service. The single server moves through the different queues of the network in a cyclic manner. Whenever the server arrives at a queue (polls the queue), he serves the waiting customers in that queue according to some service discipline. Both the gated and the exhaustive disciplines are considered. When moving from one queue to the next queue, the server incurs a switch-over period. This queueing network model has many applications in communication, computer, robotics and manufacturing systems. Examples include token rings, single-processor multi-task systems and others. For this model, we derive the generating function and the expected number of customers present in the network queues at arbitrary epochs, and compute the expected values of the delays observed by the customers. In addition, we derive the expected delay of customers that follow a specific route in the network, and we introduce pseudo-conservation laws for this network of queues. © 1992 J.C. Baltzer AG, Scientific Publishing Company.
