Conference paper

A paraphrase and semantic similarity detection system for user generated short-text content on microblogs


Existing systems deliver high accuracy and F1-scores for detecting paraphrase and semantic similarity on traditional clean-text corpus. For instance, on the clean-text Microsoft Paraphrase benchmark database, the existing systems attain an accuracy as high as 0.8596. However, existing systems for detecting paraphrases and semantic similarity on user-generated short-text content on microblogs such as Twitter, comprising of noisy and ad hoc short-text, needs significant research attention. In this paper, we propose a machine learning based approach towards this. We propose a set of features that, although well-known in the NLP literature for solving other problems, have not been explored for detecting paraphrase or semantic similarity, on noisy user-generated short-text data such as Twitter. We apply support vector machine (SVM) based learning. We use the benchmark Twitter paraphrase data, released as a part of SemEval 2015, for experiments. Our system delivers a paraphrase detection F1-score of 0.717 and semantic similarity detection Fl-score of 0.741, thereby significantly outperforming the existing systems, that deliver F1-scores of 0.696 and 0.724 for the two problems respectively. Our features also allow us to obtain a rank among the top-10, when trained on the Microsoft Paraphrase corpus and tested on the corresponding test data, thereby empirically establishing our approach as ubiquitous across the different paraphrase detection databases.




