A Multi-Modality Fusion and Gated Multi-Filter U-Net for Water Area Segmentation in Remote Sensing
Water area segmentation in remote sensing is of great importance for flood monitoring. To overcome some challenges in this task, we construct the Water Index and Polarization Information (WIPI) multi-modality dataset and propose a multi-Modality Fusion and Gated multi-Filter U-Net (MFGF-UNet) convolutional neural network. The WIPI dataset can enhance the water information while reducing the data dimensionality: specifically, the Cloud-Free Label provided in the dataset can effectively alleviate the problem of labeled sample scarcity. Since a single form or uniform kernel size cannot handle the variety of sizes and shapes of water bodies, we propose the Gated Multi-Filter Inception (GMF-Inception) module in our MFGF-UNet. Moreover, we utilize an attention mechanism by introducing a Gated Channel Transform (GCT) skip connection and integrating GCT into GMF-Inception to further improve model performance. Extensive experiments on three benchmarks, including the WIPI, Chengdu and GF2020 datasets, demonstrate that our method achieves favorable performance with lower complexity and better robustness against six competing approaches. For example, on the WIPI, Chengdu and GF2020 datasets, the proposed MFGF-UNet model achieves F1 scores of 0.9191, 0.7410 and 0.8421, respectively, with the average F1 score on the three datasets 0.0045 higher than that of the U-Net model; likewise, GFLOPS were reduced by 62% on average. The new WIPI dataset, the code and the trained models have been released on GitHub.