Conference paper

A 17.5-dBm D-band power amplifier and doubler chain in SiGe BiCMOS technology


A D-Band ×2 frequency multiplier-amplifier chain implemented in a fT/fMAX = 200/250GHz 0.12μm SiGe BiCMOS technology is presented. The chain achieves a peak output power of 17.5dBm at 115GHz and consists of input balun and push-push frequency doubler which drives a balanced three stages Power Amplifier (PA). It operates from 108GHz to 128GHz (3 dB power bandwidth) with 3dBm input power at V-Band and consumes a total DC power of 600mW. The PA achieves output 1dB compression point and saturated power of 13.3 and 17.1dBm, respectively, at 120GHz and peak small signal gain of 25.5dB.
