HVC 2011
Haifa Verification Conference 2011
December 6-8, 2011
Tutorials: December 5, 2011
Organized by IBM R&D Labs in Israel
Call for Students & Posters Event
HVC 2011 invites students who wish to present their work to submit a short (up to two PDF pages in LNCS format) extended abstract to EasyChair. Submissions will be reviewed and evaluated by the program committee. If accepted, the abstract will be included in the conference proceedings, and students will be required to prepare a 70 x 100 cm poster to present in the session. The program committee will issue a number of grants to support students who present their work at the HVC student event. All poster submissions from outside Israel will be considered for these grants.
We encourage submission of posters derived from papers that were not accepted to the main technical track. Many of these papers are both interesting and promising, and we are keen to have them presented at the HVC poster session.
Important note: Although this event focuses on students' work, we welcome submissions by other researchers and practitioners as well, to accommodate exposure of early results that are not yet ready for full paper publication.