09:15 Arrival
09:30 Welcome,
Oded Cohn, Director, IBM Haifa Labs
09:45 Machine Learning Based Adaptive Optimizations,
Mike O'Boyle, University of Edinburgh, UK
10:15 Designing a Language and a Representation for Semi-automatic Program Transformation and Program Generation,
Albert Cohen, INRIA, France
10:45 Multi-platform Auto-vectorization,
Dorit Naishlos, IBM HRL and Richard Henderson, RedHat
11:15 Coffee Break
11:35 Trace Cache Sampling Filter,
Michael Behar, Technion; Avi Mendelson, Intel; Avinoam Kolodny, Technion
12:05 Performance, Power Efficiency, and Scalability of Asymmetric Cluster Chip Multiprocessors,
Tomer Y. Morad, Technion; Uri C. Weiser, Intel; Avinoam Kolodny, Technion; Mateo Valero, UPC, Spain; Eduard Ayguade, UPC, Spain
12:35 The Molen Compiler Backend for Reconfigurable Architectures,
Elena Moscu, Koen Bertels, Stamatis Vassiliadis, TU Delft, The Netherlands
13:05 Lunch
14:00 Yonah - the First Intel CMP Architecture for Mobility,
Ronny Ronen, Intel
14:45 Compilation for the Cell processor,
Kevin O'Brien, IBM Watson Research
15:30 Break
15:45 Automatic Parallelization with Hybrid Analysis,
Lawrence Rauchwerger, Texas A&M University
16:15 Experiences with Media-processing and Multi-processing,
Henk Schepers, Philips
16:45 Towards a Source Level Compiler: Source Level Modulo Scheduling,
Yosi Ben-Asher and Danny Meisler, Haifa University
17:15 Concluding Remarks