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Compiler and Architecture Seminar 2003

The Program
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Confirmed participants
Compilers in HRL

Seminar's Agenda (pdf 21KB)

9:15 Arrival

9:30 Welcome,
David Bernstein, Mgr., Software and Verification Technologies, IBM Haifa Labs

9:45 EXPRESS: A Rapid Prototyping/Development Environment for Embedded Computer Systems,
Alex Nicolau, University of California, Irvine

10:25 Data Cache Design and Evaluation for SMT Processors,
Ron Pinter and Haggai Yedidya, Technion

10:55 Subsetting SPEC When Measuring Results: Research vs. Industry,
Daniel Citron, IBM Haifa Labs

11:25 Coffee break

11:45 Schemes for the Efficient Concurrent Use of Multiple Prefetchers,
Alex Gendler, Avi Mendelson, and Yitzhak Birk, EE Department, Technion, and Intel Haifa

12:15 Power Awareness through Selective Dynamically-Optimized Traces,
Roni Rosner, Yoav Almog, Naftali Schwartz, Avi Mendelson, Micha Moffie, Ari Schmorak and Ronny Ronen, Microprocessor Research, Intel Labs, Haifa

12:45 Static Detection of Thread Local Storage in C,
Yair Sade and Mooly Sagiv, Tel Aviv University

13:15 Lunch

14:20 Keynote: Kilo-instructions Processors,
Mateo Valero, Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain

15:10 JavaSplit: A Runtime for Execution of Monolithic Java Programs on Heterogeneous Collections of Commodity Workstations,
Assaf Schuster, Konstantin Shagin, and Michael Factor, Technion and IBM Haifa Labs

15:40 Break

16:00 Choosing Among Alternative Pasts,
Marina Biberstein, Shmuel Ur, and Eitan Farchi, IBM Haifa Labs

16:30 Overlapping Memory Operations with Circuit Evaluation in Hardware Compilation,
Yosi Ben-Asher, Haifa University, and Gad Haber, IBM Haifa Labs

17:00 Concluding Remarks,
Bilha Mendelson, Manager - Code Optimization Technologies, IBM Haifa Research Lab

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