Self-contained, accurate precomputation prefetching
- Islam Atta
- Xin Tong
- et al.
- 2015
- MICRO 2015
I am a Senior Research Scientist at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in the IBM Research AI organization. I am currently the Tech Lead for social bias auditing and red-teaming of language models at IBM Research. I have a proven research record in different areas that span computer architecture and runtime systems, cloud infrastructure and applied natural language processing. I enjoy working in large projects with multi-disciplinary teams.
In recent years, I worked on different projects under the initiative Science for Social Good. For an updated list of projects and publications, please check out my CV.
Before joining IBM Research AI, I worked on cloud infrastructure and serverless platforms research. I was one of the core researchers of the OpenWhisk serverless platform, now offered as IBM Cloud Functions. OpenWhisk is open source, check it out: I received an IBM Research Division Award for my contributions to OpenWhihsk. During my first years at IBM, I worked on different projects related to application performance and heterogeneous computing platforms (including GPUs and FPGAs).
I am active in the research community and try to help with reviewing papers in conferences, participate in program committees and NSF panel reviews. I am also an avid supporter of diversity in computing. As such, I help organize and participate in activities meant to support and promote a diverse workforce in computing.
I got my PhD from University of Toronto in 2012 where I worked mainly on computer architecture and runtime systems. I also have a Masters degree from the same university. During my grad studies, I interned with IBM Research and Intel Labs. I am the recipient of several scholarships, including the NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship (NSERC is the NSF equivalent in Canada), the Google Canada Anita Borg Scholarship (Women Tech Makers) and the IBM PhD Fellowship.
I am married to a supportive computer science researcher and together we have a little boy who amazes us with his boundless energy. We are immigrants to this country from two different continents and are proud of our multi-cultural family!
PS: In a different life, I was known as Ioana Burcea or Ioana Monica Secareanu. If you're looking for either, you found her, it's me :)