Experimental biosciences


In the Experimental biosciences project, we perform research across various disciplines with a problem-oriented agenda.

Much of the knowledge we have in biology and medicine is derived from the ability to detect analytes from complex biological samples. In addition, precise analysis of biological samples is vital for diagnostics and managing patients. Therefore, new bioanalytical tools are critically needed to push the frontiers of knowledge in life sciences and to improve healthcare. Micro- and nanotechnologies have started to impact many areas of biology and medicine by providing new sensing and analytical tools, novel means to pattern biomolecules on surfaces, and innovative systems to handle sub-microliter volumes of liquids. Boldly stated, miniaturization is good for biosciences.

For these reasons, we are interested in (1) developing novel miniaturized biosensing platforms, and (2) applying them to important problems in biology and medicine. To achieve these goals, our expertise in micro/nanotechnology, surface chemistry and biochemistry is best utilized by working with experts in life sciences.

Over the years, we gradually shifted from developing expertise in self-assembly, soft lithography and microtechnology to more thinking about problems and technology gaps in biology and medicine. Our current challenges deal with the rapid detection of disease markers in an accurate manner (chips for life), the analysis of tissue sections and the handling of cells on surfaces for diagnostic and research applications (microfluidic probe), and the investigation of inter cellular pathways that are relevant to diseases of the brain (brain chip).

Experimental biosciences