SmartGrid – Flexibility Everywhere

Supporting the COP21 Agreement with Big Data and Advanced Analytics

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  1. F.L. Mueller, O. Sundström, J. Szabo, J. Lygeros
    "Aggregation of Energetic Flexibility Using Zonotopes"
    IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Osaka, Japan, December 15-18, 2015.
  2. F.L. Mueller, C. Binding, O. Sundström, M. Bengsch
    "Minimum-cost charging of electrical storage heaters"
    IEEE Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), Venice, Italy, November 3-6, 2014.
  3. A. Caracas, F.L. Mueller, O. Sundström, C. Binding, B. Jansen
    "VILLASMART: Wireless Sensors For System Identification in Domestic Buildings"
    Conference IEEE ISGT Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 6-9, 2013.
  4. F.L. Mueller, O. Sundström, C. Binding, D. Dykeman
    "Power reference tracking of a large-scale industrial freezer system for ancillary service delivery"
    Conference IEEE ISGT Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 6-9, 2013.
  5. F. Müller, O. Sundström, C. Binding, A. Caracas, D. Dykeman
    "Verwendung industrieller Kühlhäuser zur Regelleistungserzeugung: Optimierungspotenzial von thermischen Lasten"
    Bulletin SEV.
  6. C. Binding, D. Dykeman, N. Ender, D. Gantenbein, Fl Mueller, W.-C. Rumsch, O. Sundstroem, H. Tschopp
    "FlexLast: An IT-Centric Solution for Balancing the Electric Power Grid"
    D-A-CH Energieinformatik Konferenz, Vienna, Austria, November 12-13, 2013.
  7. D. Gantenbein, C. Binding, B. Jansen, A. Mishra, O. Sundstrom
    "EcoGrid EU: An Efficient ICT Approach for a Sustainable Power System"
    IEEE SustainIT, Pisa, Italy, October 4-5, 2012.
  8. O. Sundstrom, C. Binding, D. Gantenbein, D. Berner, and W. Rumsch
    "Aggregating the flexibility of domestic hot-water boilers to offer tertiary regulation power in Switzerland"
    IEEE Intelligent Smart Grid Technology conference, October 14-17, 2012.
  9. O. Sundstroem, C. Binding
    "Flexible Charging Optimization for EVs considering Distribution Grid Constraints"
    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Volume 99, pp.1-12, 2012.
  10. O. Sundstroem, O. Corradi, C. Binding
    "Toward Electric Vehicle Trip Prediction for a Charging Service Provider"
    Proc. 2012 IEEE Int'l Electric Vehicle Conf. "IEVC," Greenville, USA (IEEE, March 2012).
  11. A.H. Foosnaes, C.A. Andersen, L. Christensen, D. Gantenbein, N. Rao
    "EDISON - Study on Optimal Grid Integration of Electric Vehicles"
    in "The Cool 100 Book", edited by J. Haselip, D. Pointing, (UNEP Risoe Centre on Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development, 2011), pp.16-25.
  12. P. Bach Andersen, E. Bragi Hauksson, A. Bro Pedersen, D. Gantenbein, B. Jansen, C.A. Andersen and J. Dall
    "Smart Charging the Electric Vehicle Fleet"
    in "Smart Grid Applications, Communications and Security", edited by L.T. Berger, K. Iniewski, (Wiley, April 2012), Part IV Case Studies and Field Trials, Ch. 15, pp. 381-408.
  13. M. Naphade, G. Banavar, C. Harrison, J. Paraszczak, R. Morris
    "Smarter Cities and Their Innovation Challenges"
    Computer Society, Special edition on Smart Cities (June 2011) pp. 32-39.
  14. C. Binding and O. Sundström
    "A Simulation Environment for Vehicle-to-Grid Integration Studies"
    Summer Computer Simulation Conference SCSC 2011, World Forum, The Hague, Netherlands, June 27 - 30, 2011.
  15. O. Sundström and C. Binding
    "Charging service elements for an electric vehicle charging service provider"
    In Proceedings of the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Detroit, USA, 24-29 July 2011.
    Also available as IBM RZ 3796.
  16. A. Bro Pedersen, E. Bragi Hauksson, P. Bach Andersen, B. Poulsen, C. Traeholt, D. Gantenbein, B. Jansen
    "Facilitating a Generic Communication Interface to Distributed Energy Resources: Mapping IEC 61850 to RESTful Services"
    Proc. 1st IEEE Int'l Conf. on Smart Grid Communications "IEEE SmartGridComm 2010," Gaithersburg, USA (IEEE, October 2010) 61-66.
  17. D. Gantenbein
    "Elektroautos als Energiespeicher - Using Electric Vehicles to Store Energy"
    InformationWeek - Services, Management und Prozesse mit IT, No. 2/3, p. 41 (February 25, 2010).
  18. B. Jansen, C. Binding, O. Sundström, D. Gantenbein
    "Architecture and Communication of an Electric Vehicle Virtual Power Plant"
    Proc. 1st IEEE Int'l Conf. on Smart Grid Communications "IEEE SmartGridComm 2010," Gaithersburg, USA (IEEE, October 2010) 149-154.
  19. O. Sundström, C. Binding
    "Planning Electric-Drive Vehicle Charging under Constrained Grid Conditions"
    Proc. 2010 Int'l Conf. on Power System Technology "POWERCON2010," Hangzhou, China (IEEE, October 2010).
    Also available as IBM RZ 3785.
  20. O. Sundström, C. Binding
    "Optimization Methods to Plan the Charging of Electric Vehicle Fleets"
    Proc. ACEEE International Conference on Control, Communication, and Power Engineering (CCPE), pp. 323-328, Chennai, India, July 28, 2010.
    Also available as IBM RZ 3768.
  21. C. Binding, D. Gantenbein, B. Jansen, O. Sundstroem, P. Bach Andersen, F. Marra, B. Poulsen, C. Traeholt
    "Electric Vehicle Fleet Integration in the Danish EDISON Project – A Virtual Power Plant on the Island of Bornholm"
    Proc. IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting 2010, Minneapolis, USA, July 25-29, 2010.
    Also available as IBM RZ 3761.
  22. C. Binding, O. Sundström, D. Gantenbein, B. Jansen
    "Integration of an Electrical Vehicle Fleet into the Power Grid"
    ERCIM News No. 82, pp. 57-58, July 2010.

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