Outsourcing computations over sensitive data to a third-party cloud
environment should usually rely on dedicated privacy-preserving
solutions to adhere to privacy regulations such as the GDPR. One solution that gained great attention is fully homomorphic
encryption (FHE), a cryptographic method that allows users to perform
different types of computation on encrypted data. However, writing a
non-interactive FHE code that evaluates complex functions is a
task that is mostly left to experts. Otherwise, the resulting code may
become very slow and even impractical.
Tile tensors are a recently developed data structure that aims, together with
a dedicated language, to simplify the process of writing
complex FHE programs. This tutorial introduces developers of security
solutions without previous FHE background to the world
of FHE programming through the use of tile tensors. It provides step-by-step guidelines for implementing complex operators such as
matrix-multiplication, and eventually guides participants toward writing their own privacy-preserving
neural network solution. The demonstrations in this tutorial
use Python and the HELayers library that implements tile tensors.
Tutorial Description
- Security models and applications
- SIMD packing:
- Challenge and motivation
- Tile tensors
- Examples
- Matrix multiplication algorithms
- Simulating large ciphertexts
- Research opportunities
In Detail
FHE, security models and applications: FHE is an encryption
method that allows you to apply additions and multiplications to ciphertexts
without decrypting them. This leads to interesting models
where two or more parties can collaboratively compute a function
over their private data without sharing it. As an example, this
allows for inference-as-a-service, in which a client encrypts and uploads
her (private) data to a server that uses a pre-trained model to
perform inference over the data. In this situation, the server is not exposed to
the sensitive data (making it easier to comply with privacy regulations), yet the client receives the resulting computed analytics, which she can decrypt. Traditionally, FHE
was considered too slow compared to other privacy-preserving
solutions (such as multi-party computations (MPC) or garbled circuit (GC)).
However, in recent years, the run-times of FHE solutions have improved
dramatically. One of the techniques that boosted FHE performance
is packing multiple values into the slots of a single ciphertext. Operators
applied on ciphertexts are then applied slot-wise in a single
instruction multiple data (SIMD) manner. Taking advantage of these
slots became a subject of research and multiple packing schemes
were proposed.
In this tutorial, we discuss: (i) the challenges of designing an
algorithm that utilizes slots; (ii) how packings can affect the run-time
and RAM requirements of an algorithm; (3) how to write
FHE code that can easily switch from one packing to another, and;
(4) how to choose the packing technique for your protocol.
SIMD packing, challenges, motivation, and tile tensors: As hinted
above, using SIMD improves the running time of an algorithm. Alas,
utilizing SIMD is not always trivial. For example, even for the simple
problem of matrix multiplication, several packing methods were
proposed in several previous works ([1, 6, 9] to name a few). For
more complex systems such as neural networks, the problem becomes
harder and it's not always clear from the beginning which packing
method will provide the best run-time results. To make matters worse,
for the same problem, different packing schemes may be better,
depending on the parameters of the input.
Until recently, changing the packing methods required rewriting
a lot of the code. This made writing practical solutions with FHE
much more expensive and time consuming. In [1, 3], a packing-oblivious
language was proposed in which an algorithm is described at a
high level, and the details of the packing are filled in later by the compiler,
possibly even during run-time.
Using the language proposed by [1], an algorithm can be described
as operating on tensors. The details of how tensors are
packed into ciphertext is given in a concise manner called a tile tensor shape.
Changing the packing can then be done easily by changing the
shape of the tile tensor.
Specific demonstrations: As an example, we will show how different
packing methods change the way a matrix is packed. In
addition, we explore packing for matrix-matrix multiplication, and simulating large ciphertext.
Automating the packing process: As mentioned above, different
packing methods yield different run-times and RAM requirements.
To measure run-time, we consider two metrics: (i) latency -
the time passed from receiving an input until delivering the output,
and (ii) throughput - the number of outputs we can deliver in a given
amount of time, give infinite inputs. When implementing
a system, we want to choose the packing method that complies
with our RAM requirements and achieves the best possible run-time.
We describe an optimizer module that scans all possible shapes and
reports the best shape that complies with our RAM requirements.
Our optimizer considers different shapes for the input and measures
the running time and RAM requirements for each shape. To speed
up the execution of the optimizer we also consider gradient-descent
The tutorial will be accompanied by online (interactive) demonstrations
using HELayers [2, 4, 7, 10], running locally on the participants’
laptops or through pre-defined Google Colab notebooks.
- Explore and experience a new and exciting data structure
called tile tensors that enable writing efficient, non-interactive
homomorphic encryption solutions.
- Experiment how homomorphic encryption packing affects
run-time and memory.
- Learn a new language to write packing-oblivious code that
allows switching between packing methods easily.
- Learn how to use the HELayers library (as a demonstration
of the tile tensors technique) to write HE applications,
specifically a PPML solution.
Expected background and prerequisites of participants
This tutorial is intended for researchers and practitioners from
academia, government, industry, and anyone else interested in
privacy-preserving applications. We will focus on the technical
aspects of packing techniques and efficiency, and therefore the material
will not be relevant to those interested in legal, ethical, or
sociological security considerations. Nonetheless, social scientists
and policymakers are welcome to participate and hear about recent
real-life applications of privacy-preserving techniques.
Prerequisite knowledge: This tutorial assumes college-level knowledge
of mathematics, specifically linear algebra. We will demonstrate
code in Python and encourage the participants to learn
by writing code. Basic Python knowledge is therefore required.
The tutorial will include a brief general overview of homomorphic
encryption, which is sufficient for achieving the tutorial’s goals.
The demonstrations include convolutional neural networks,
which we present as a series of algebraic operators. Thus, a deep
understanding of machine learning concepts is not required.
Hayim Shaul, IBM Research - Israel
Hayim is currently with IBM Research in Haifa, Israel.
Hayim completed his PhD in computational geometry under the supervision
of Prof. Micha Sharir in Tel- Aviv University. After that, he
was the co-founder and CTO of DiviNetworks, a company funded
by the IFC, dealing with network optimizations. After that, he joined
MIT as a research fellow in the CSAIL lab doing research in homomorphic
encryption. Today, Hayim is a researcher in IBM Research
continuing his study of secure multi-party computation.
Ehud Aharoni, IBM Research - Israel
Ehud is currently with IBM Research in Haifa, Israel.
Ehud received an M.Sc. in computer science from the Technion
- Israel Institute of Technology. He worked several years on machine learning projects in the
fields of hardware verification, healthcare, and anomaly detection
for computer systems. Later, he worked on various applications of
machine learning to cyber security. Ehud is currently working on
novel encryption schemes in the context of security and privacy
Nir Drucker, IBM Research - Israel
Nir is currently with IBM Research in Haifa, Israel.
Nir holds a PhD in applied mathematics (cryptography) from the
University of Haifa and an M.Sc. in operations research from the
Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management at the Technion
- Israel Institute of Technology. He worked for more than three years as a senior applied scientist
at AWS (cryptography) and eight years as a software developer at
Intel. Nir’s research interests focus on applied cryptography and
applied security.