Invited Speakers |
 | Klaus Havelund |
Parallel and Distributed Systems:
Testing and Debugging
In conjunction with
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
July 17, 2006
Portland, Maine, USA
The PADTAD 2006 workshop is a full-day event at ISSTA 2006 focusing on techniques and systems that aid in the debugging and testing of multi-threaded/parallel/distributed (MPD) applications systems. The workshop has a practical and applied emphasis on systems that have been implemented in (at least) prototype form. This workshop concentrates on works whose main contributions are in the field of testing and debugging.
Although debuggers and profilers are the traditional examples of these tools on sequential machines, there are issues unique to MPD systems that are not commonly addressed. Examples of such significant challenges in MPD systems include deadlock, load imbalance, data sharing patterns, race conditions, and contention. In order to find certain classes of bugs in MPD applications, specific timing conditions are required. As a result, timing bugs are found very late in the testing process or by end users. Many established testing techniques and tools are insufficient for non-sequential programs.
This year's PADTAD workshop includes a poster session. The PADTAD poster session provides an excellent forum for authors to present their work in an informal and interactive setting. Posters are ideal for presenting speculative, late-breaking results and works in progress. The poster session provides authors and participants an opportunity to meet one another and engage in discussions about the work. Student submissions to the PADTAD poster session will be very welcome. Poster submissions must not exceed 3 pages and should be sent to Joao Lourenco.
Support for students, especially paper authors, is being provided by our sponsors. For applications, please contact Shmuel Ur.
Accepted papers will be published in a CDROM proceedings and will be included in the ACM Digital Library (just like other ISSTA 2006 papers). Posters will be published in the ISSTA proceedings as a "one-page" manuscript.
Topics of interest to the workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Techniques for multi-core processors
- Techniques for MPI and OpenMP applications
- Tools for testing or debugging of MPD applications
- Test generation algorithms for MPD applications
- Debugging advanced network interface technologies (e.g., Myrinet, VIA)
- Debugging and testing MPD applications
- Using static analysis or formal verification to enhance debugging and testing of MPD applications
- Detecting race conditions and deadlocks
- Debugging and replay of MPD applications
- Finding timing bugs early in the process
- Testing real-time MPD applications
- Fault injection of MPD applications
- Testing the fault tolerance of MPD applications
- Testing and debugging techniques for timing related bugs in hardware
- Pilots in applying new testing techiniques to MPD applications
- MPD review techniques and review tools
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